Archive for December, 2007

Blogging the blog 3

Thursday, December 13th, 2007

Getting somewhere is a relative term!  Content, content, we need content, and I will try to spend some time the weekend of Dec 14-16 roughing in some of my ideas for content, as well as experimenting with inviting other Searings to check us out.  I noticed that when I changed Genealogy from a page to a category I wiped out some basic genealogy I had entered…I will try to restore that…..Dan

Blogging the blog 2

Wednesday, December 5th, 2007

Now I feel we are getting somewhere!  First, you should now be able to ‘self-register’ and leave a comment.  It might not appear directly, but will as soon as it passes ‘comment spam’ filters.  Please, please see if this works, and if not, or if you have suggestions, please contact me.  Second, I now better understand ‘pages’ and ‘categories’  and have added some new categories, which are self explanatory if you visit them: genealogy and notable Searings.   A few more will follow.   Post comments,  invite other Searings, and enjoy!   Dan Searing

Notable Searings

Wednesday, December 5th, 2007

There was quite a debate about this category…it started out as ‘famous’, then someone asked about infamous, then someone else asked what was famous anyway…so I settled on ‘notable’ (for now).  By this I mean a Searing (or close relation), past or present, who has done or achieved something generally recognized as noteworthy.  All nominations happily accepted.  This isn’t a contest…just a way of seeing some of the accomplishments of Searing family members.  If needed, I will serve initially as the jury, but please feel free to volunteer!

Dan Searing (

Genealogy Issues

Wednesday, December 5th, 2007

Family trees can be huge.   However, a family blog needs a tree!   A family tree  that Searings can look at, create, annotate, and otherwise have fun with.  How to do all that?  My inclination is to find another site that specializes in family trees on the web (hopefully for free or low cost).  I am researching that….any suggestions welcome!

Dan Searing  (