Time flies…but we all know that. In many ways that is the human condition. Is that why some of us like genealogy? To extend our reach? Tonight I was browsing ‘my’ Searing family tree on ancestry.com and marveling that Searings have been kicking around since at least the 1500’s. I say ‘my’ because all the work on the tree has been done and generously shared by Laura Davenport. If you want access, write me and I’ll ask her. She saved me literally years of work. Also tonight, looking at the blog and my limited recent entries, I’m going to change directions a bit. Instead of infrequent ‘Blogging the Blog’ entries by me, I going to try a regular blog…making more frequent entries about what I’m trying to add value to what I still hope will be a Web based touchstone for Searings. Please check back! Dan