To all our extended and diverse Searing family, including all the spelling variations we are learning about, and to all the Searing women who by taking the name of their husbands lose or gain the Searing name. I know my goal and Jim Searing’s as well, as founder of My Last Name is Searing group on Facebook, is to be as inclusive as possible. The start of 2010 is a good time to launch a new section devoted to my own (and others through comments) personal observations and musings on the Searing family and its genealogy (past) and accomplishments (present). My aim is to be more personal without being tiresome or egotistical. I would like to add some ‘extra’ to the recognition inherent in the lists and historical finds. My ‘rep’ since grade school is to talk to much, so I will try to avoid that. I urge all family members to social network, join Facebook, LinkedIn and other sites; sign on to Twitter to both follow and contribute; email me or comment appropriately in the blog; suggest how we might improve. There aren’t so many Searings (even with spelling variations) that we can’t actually know or at least know of each other. What benefits will flow from that? Let’s find out! Happy New Year, and may the decade of the 2010’s be welcome and beneficial to us all! Dan