May 2011 Searing’s on the Internet Entry

Finally getting caught up on Searing internet entries:

May was a good month for Searing news.  In early May Head Coach George Searing of the Northport Boys Lacrosse team lead his team to an important victory to qualify them for a better seeding in year end action.  Sachem Patch:

George is also quoted in a later Patch (May 19th) as his team scored a big victory in first round of the lax playoffs.

Dan Searing, Jr is quoted on the history and strengths of bourbon in the Washington Post Express on May 5.  And on May 9, Dan’s book was published in May,  “The Punch Bowl.” (Mark A. Gore – Sterling Epicure / Sterling Publishing), and available on Amazon.  Great book for punch lovers….and oh, yeah, my son….:)

A new Searing business also was mentioned:   This is a web design firm in Seattle WA.

A fascinating story on youth sports injuries appeared May 10, 2011 for the IL paperHarold News. featuring Marianne Searing’s daughter Ashley, and recounting Ashley’s injuries on the field of play and her determination to continue playing sports.–sports-injuries.html

On May 16, Nate Searing (Ashley’s brother) gets his own credit for pitching a winning game against a strong opponent.  Details at

Nate is also mentioned in a May 28 Southtown Star article.  Way to pitch, Nate

Candace and Dick Searing were instrumental in organizing a Scenic Race4Hope bicycle outing  as a fund raiser to battle cancer, as reported in the blog on May 19.  This is quite an event with an interesting history, as reported at

Daniel Searing and Vickie Gann were married on June 11, 2011.  That’s about all I know…their names came up on a google alert for Daniel Searing.  Congrats to the couple!

Daniel Searing, MD also surfaces in my alerts.  He is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and pediatric allergy specialist at National Jewish Health in Denver.  I would like to do a separate piece on him and will seek to talk with him.

Linda Searing also appears from time to time in the alerts, for her excellent medical article summaries that you may see in your local paper.  I know she appears in the Washington Post weekly.

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