Archive for the ‘Searings on the Internet’ Category

October Searing News Summaries

Friday, October 31st, 2014

A Searing business in Longview WA was damaged by the recent tornado in that area.…/tornado-leaves-behind-trail-of-damage…

Unfortunately, the tornado seemed to occur the day after the Searing business received an award.…/knowledge-power-searing

John Searing of Norfolk VA ran and completed the recent Marine Corps Marathon in Washington DC. Congrats John Searing!!

To date, two other Searings have finished in marathons in 2014. Candy Searing in the River Towns Marathon in May 2014; and Fiona Searing in the Dublin Marathon in October 2014. I can’t recall if I posted marathon results for 2013, but five Searings finished in five different races in 2013

May 2011 Searing’s on the Internet Entry

Saturday, July 30th, 2011

Finally getting caught up on Searing internet entries:

May was a good month for Searing news.  In early May Head Coach George Searing of the Northport Boys Lacrosse team lead his team to an important victory to qualify them for a better seeding in year end action.  Sachem Patch:

George is also quoted in a later Patch (May 19th) as his team scored a big victory in first round of the lax playoffs.

Dan Searing, Jr is quoted on the history and strengths of bourbon in the Washington Post Express on May 5.  And on May 9, Dan’s book was published in May,  “The Punch Bowl.” (Mark A. Gore – Sterling Epicure / Sterling Publishing), and available on Amazon.  Great book for punch lovers….and oh, yeah, my son….:)

A new Searing business also was mentioned:   This is a web design firm in Seattle WA.

A fascinating story on youth sports injuries appeared May 10, 2011 for the IL paperHarold News. featuring Marianne Searing’s daughter Ashley, and recounting Ashley’s injuries on the field of play and her determination to continue playing sports.–sports-injuries.html

On May 16, Nate Searing (Ashley’s brother) gets his own credit for pitching a winning game against a strong opponent.  Details at

Nate is also mentioned in a May 28 Southtown Star article.  Way to pitch, Nate

Candace and Dick Searing were instrumental in organizing a Scenic Race4Hope bicycle outing  as a fund raiser to battle cancer, as reported in the blog on May 19.  This is quite an event with an interesting history, as reported at

Daniel Searing and Vickie Gann were married on June 11, 2011.  That’s about all I know…their names came up on a google alert for Daniel Searing.  Congrats to the couple!

Daniel Searing, MD also surfaces in my alerts.  He is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and pediatric allergy specialist at National Jewish Health in Denver.  I would like to do a separate piece on him and will seek to talk with him.

Linda Searing also appears from time to time in the alerts, for her excellent medical article summaries that you may see in your local paper.  I know she appears in the Washington Post weekly.

The Humanity Bubble

Monday, February 7th, 2011

Posted today on Facebook by Michael Krenzer (Donna Searing Krenzer’s grandson) is a wonderful blog reference about how small our ‘broadcast bubble’ in the Milky Way is:        Great short post, great comments.  Astronomy and our place in the universe has always been an interest of mine, and it’s Searing related, so I wanted to share it.  But it also fits in another context.  The Searing (and relations) bubble is also small.  The family hasn’t (yet) multiplied into the 10’s of thousands other families have.  That makes ‘us’ easier to keep track of and to explore the past lives and present accomplishments of family members according to our time and interests.  I hope other Searing family members will point out things to post!!

Sunday, February 28th, 2010

Sue Searing nominated the eventual award winning Univ of IL librarian for the Woman’s Studies Section (WSS) Career Achievement Award Sue is mentioned elsewhere in the blog. For additional information see:

Searings on Social Media

Thursday, December 10th, 2009

Just a quick update.  Twitter remains a rich resource for Searings.  Matthew Searing, a high school teacher in New York goes by the handle ‘haikusearing’ and in his spare time he is posting some haikus that are very entertaining.  And Jim Searing is now posting as ‘TreeStrategist” working with his post career vocation and education in landscape architecture.  More on that as I get an update from Jim.  If you go to  Find People and search for Searings you won’t be disappointed, but they won’t overwhelm your follow box either.  But its fun to see what other Searings are posting about.And Facebook’s My Last Name is Searing Group is also gaining new members almost daily.  We are working on a name to be more inclusive as there are lots of Searing relations or Searing branches who might not have that last name.  We want to make it clear that all are welcome.  And a new group, Mankato Memories has launched.  This is important because Edward Searing was the president when it was the Normal School…..long before it was incorporated into the state university system.  If you search for his name in the blog an article on him should come up.  And I continue to look for other Searings who accomplished deeds or words we want to share!  Send’em on!!

Searings on the Internet – January 2009

Monday, April 6th, 2009

This month has some interesting entries with Searings represented at the Inauguration in DC and providing love to an abandoned baby.On Jan 18, in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (online)- WI, columnist Jim Stingl noted that at the adoption proceedings for an abandoned baby, “More than a dozen family members and friends looked on and snapped photos, including proud grandmother Barb Searing, who said of James, “We’re all in love …”On January 17, in the Kalamazoo Gazette – MI, Kathy Jessup reported:”The stars have aligned for Portage Northern High School social studies teacher and student government adviser Rick SearingSearing and his wife got tickets…for the inauguration in Washington, DC”.  A report and photos can be found at:   Around Jan 10, 2009, in the Asheville Citizen-Times – NC,USA, Adam Searing of the NC Health Access Coalition called the program for health insurance for the unemployed “utterly inadequate” because of its cost to the consumer.  Adam also gets a mention on Jan 29 in on Jan 10, in the Brazil Times – Brazil,IN, reporter Carey Fox wrote:In the second quarter, Kelsey Searing gave the Knights quality minutes with four of her six rebounds and a pair of free throws.  Kelsey also got a mention on Jan 13 in the Times.On Jan 8, 2009 in The New York Times, John M. Searing, deputy commissioner of the Suffolk County Department of Fire Rescue and Emergency Services, commented on a joint purchasing effort among four fire districts. Around Jan 1, in the Prince of Petworth Blog, in Washington, DC:  Room 11 partners Dan Searing, Nick Pimintel, and Ben Gilligan have hatched a weekly party to take place on Thursday nights at the Warehouse, starting on New Year’s Day, called Punch Club.  (Self disclosure: Dan is my son, and I’m an investor in Room 11, about which there will be more news.)  Room 11 also got a nice mention in the Jan 30 Washington Post Going Out Guide by Fritz Hahn at:  Richard L Baldwin has authored a number of mystery books featuring:  Louis Searing and Margaret McMillan as fictional characters, including The Marina Murders, and Administration Can Be Murder.  No information is available on why the Searing name was chosen by this author.  Any information appreciated.


Searings on the Internet – December 2008

Sunday, December 21st, 2008

 Building Inspector Mark Searing was quoted in the epaper for Dec 27, 2008 discussing a building clean up in Rock Falls, IL     In the Brazil, IN Times on Dec 12, 2008,   Carey Fox writes that Kelsey Searing “flew around the floor on the defensive end.”     Adam Searing gets another mention in the on Dec 15, 2008.        Paul Searing gets a photo credit in the Brooklyn Vegan for Dec 16, 2008.      Linda Searing published a study summary in the Washington Post on Dec 10, 2008 that red wine lowered lung cancer risk.   She published another study summary on Dec 23, 2008.  Ms Searing usually writes a number of study summaries for the Washington Post Health Section.   More information on her summaries can be found at the Post web site. Next, we have an international turn with this entry.  The internet publication is a matching service providing authors and articles  for newsletters that need content (one can Google the site).  Margarette Searing is an author in the United Kingdom with articles on internet marketing and business training.  Please feel free to check them out!  Margarette is also interesting in genealogy and is interested in expanding our international Searing horizons.  The second author is Alan Searing, also in the United Kingdom, and in his own words: “passionate about providing resources to help others help themselves and to improve upon their own circumstances in life”.  Alan has 48 articles on in the areas of self-improvement, motivation, and time management.  Please look them up for a reading!  Alan was also gracious in responding to my email inquiry. He noted that he has a web site at, and an eBay store at  Please stop by and say hello!  We will continue to search for other international Searings.  If you know of some or have search ideas, please let me know…. 

Searings on the Internet – November

Sunday, November 16th, 2008

November 14, 2008, in the NY Times, Long Island, in an article on reducing the flood zone in new maps: John M. Searing , deputy commissioner of Suffolk’s Department of Fire, Rescue and Emergency Services, said the maps needed to be updated because of changing conditions, the increase in the population at risk and improved technology.                     November 12, Kansas City Fox TV in a story on insulating your houses:  savings is what prompted Kansas City homeowner Patricia Searing to tackle her home’s energy problems all at once. 

Searings on the Internet – More October

Wednesday, November 12th, 2008

Another experiment in posting as many items in the blog as possible in the least amount of time…this is a summary of October items on the internet mentioning Searings, with (usually) the most recent items first. working backwards through the month:                                                    This is a great ‘Searing’ item on the internet, published at, on October 27, 2008, featuring John Searing as a tester for the best Reuben sandwich spot in the South Hampton Roads area.  John was chosen as one of several testers from 40 applicants to rate Reubens at four spots nominated by readers.  The article is accompanied by a video, and can be found at


Susan Rife in the did an article October 10, 2008 on the Egyptian artifact collection at the Ulla R. and Arthur F. Searing wing at the Ringling Museum of Art in Sarasota, FL, through January 11, 2009.  The wing is mentioned elsewhere in this blog.


Adam Searingdirector of the NC Health Access Coalition at the NC Justice Center, received several internet mentions during the month, addressing North Carolina health care issues. See, Ashville, NC, on October 9, 2008  He’s also quoted in the SunNews MyrtleBeachOnLine around the same time.  He’s also quoted in the New Health Dialogue blog on October 12, 2008.  Also in the Progressive Pulse for October 14, and 15th, 23rd, 2008, and for October 15.  Also in the on October 27, 2008


On October 6, 2008 an undated (approximately Sept 1935) PDF of an old Fulton County newspaper (from  popped up in a Google search:”Cayuga Estates  A decree was granted by Special Surrogate Leonard H. Searing, judicially settling the accounts of….”  Any information on Leonard would be welcome!


October Searings on the Internet

Friday, October 3rd, 2008

Mercury News, Oct 1, 2008, by Linda Goldston, a very nice story about treasured pet sitters, quotes by Maureen Searing, and a picture by Stan Searing.