Searing Industries

Although I had been aware of Searing Industries for some time, I had never searched for them on the internet.  That oversight has been duly corrected!   Searing Industries is the number one source for welded steel products, celebrating 20 years in business.   Their business philosophy is one all Searings in business  can  hope  to emulate:  their highest priority is their customers.

From their web site: “Searing Industries was founded by a legend in the industry, Richard Searing.
If there is one principle that defined Richard Searing as a businessman, it was service. When he founded Searing Industries in 1985—this principle became the cornerstone of what is now one of the leading manufacturers of welded steel tubing in the industry.”

There are four Searings listed in the management group: Lee, President; Jim, EVP Sales; Jerry, Purchasing Manager; and Richard, Production Manager ( a younger man than the founder)

Additional information can be found at:


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