Great things have happened this month! First, I (we) have been contacted by several other Searings: Laura Davenport (Searing was her paternal great grandmother’s maiden name, and the name is carried by several family members as a middle name); Debbie Major (married to Stanley Searing Major); Carol Rae Searing Sims (Eric Searing’s aunt, see Genealogy); and Mary Ann Searing, and her brother Bob (we ‘found’ each other through Facebook). Please contact me if you would like their emails. For privacy reasons at the moment I have decided not to post email addresses. Each has been a delight to ‘talk’ with, and each has made a contribution to our Searing knowledge, especially Laura Davenport, who has done extensive genealogy work on Searings and branches! Over the next few days I will be putting material up on the blog that has come from them. Thanks to everybody, and when other Searings read this, please ‘check in’, as Carol said. We want to hear from you. Dan