Just a quick update. Twitter remains a rich resource for Searings. Matthew Searing, a high school teacher in New York goes by the handle ‘haikusearing’ and in his spare time he is posting some haikus that are very entertaining. And Jim Searing is now posting as ‘TreeStrategist” working with his post career vocation and education in landscape architecture. More on that as I get an update from Jim. If you go to Find People and search for Searings you won’t be disappointed, but they won’t overwhelm your follow box either. But its fun to see what other Searings are posting about.And Facebook’s My Last Name is Searing Group is also gaining new members almost daily. We are working on a name to be more inclusive as there are lots of Searing relations or Searing branches who might not have that last name. We want to make it clear that all are welcome. And a new group, Mankato Memories has launched. This is important because Edward Searing was the president when it was the Normal School…..long before it was incorporated into the state university system. If you search for his name in the blog an article on him should come up. And I continue to look for other Searings who accomplished deeds or words we want to share! Send’em on!!