Anyone recognize this beautiful young lady? Post card old photo, with Florence Searing penned on the back. Purchased on eBay recently.

Anyone recognize this beautiful young lady? Post card old photo, with Florence Searing penned on the back. Purchased on eBay recently.
Regrettably, but fortunately rarely, another Searing obit has come to my attention. Elinor May Searing (1934-2014) passed on October 3, 2014 in Brick, NJ. I’m not sure if any of her relatives are on FB or part of the group. If they are we would enjoy hearing about Mrs. Searing. Our sympathies to her family for their loss. Her obit is:…
A Searing business in Longview WA was damaged by the recent tornado in that area.…/tornado-leaves-behind-trail-of-damage…
Unfortunately, the tornado seemed to occur the day after the Searing business received an award.…/knowledge-power-searing
John Searing of Norfolk VA ran and completed the recent Marine Corps Marathon in Washington DC. Congrats John Searing!!
To date, two other Searings have finished in marathons in 2014. Candy Searing in the River Towns Marathon in May 2014; and Fiona Searing in the Dublin Marathon in October 2014. I can’t recall if I posted marathon results for 2013, but five Searings finished in five different races in 2013
A question Mrs. S asked today and I agree. But enough complaining! Time to catch up on Searing family related items just in time to squeeze into a July posting. And of course I reserve the right to expand on these next month! In no particular order: a trip to Ohio to visit my brother Stan, with several visits to Ft Wayne IN that included two visits to the Allen County Library in Ft Wayne, that happens to be the second largest genealogy library in the country (the world). It was an amazing collection of references that we only had time to dig into a few volumes about early Searings in Conn and Long Island NY. Fascinating…worlds away from how we live now. I’ve also been working on an ‘ad’ recruiting an interested young person to help with some Searing related projects: finishing a rough Searing 50 state census, checking census indices to determine the spread and growth of Searings across the US, continuing our listings of Searings in achievement categories such as art, music, and sports, and doing a global map of Searing locations. My brother suggested a letter of recommendation as compensation…that initially sounded odd, but most letters come from standards sources such as teachers and coaches. Conducting independent quality (genealogy?) research would be a different set of skills. And our Facebook group My Name is Searing continues to grow…138 members. And through the Group I made a contact with a relative of Dennis Searing, a pool/billiards cue maker of extraordinary talent…based on the value of his product. I hope we can learn more about Dennis’s craft in the future. And then there was the adventure of the stereo view of Point Pleasant 1889 (inscribed on the back) along with a stamp or writing of ‘Searing’. Although the card and a companion one sold on eBay for a large amount, no explanation of the Searing mark has come out. Unfortunately the month ended with the passing of a Searing from Chico, CA. We regret the loss of any of our extended family.
One of the greatest things about the internet in my mind is the ‘range’ it provides in communications. My personal example is the number of Searings I have met and communicated with from literally around the world. Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Great Britain, Germany….and I hope there will be more in this coming year. We are literally a small but international family. Look for yourself on the internet and find your pen pals!
Over the last several months, primarily on Facebook, I have discovered more Searing artists. They are quite talented. I am beginning to think there is a Searing artistic gene. We will try to put some samples and more info in this arts section.
Genealogy things..It is hard to find time…but there are things happening. I explored using other genealogy programs, and tried to dig into the ones I have. I often wonder if I’m more interested in the workings of exploring genealogy tools rather than researching family members. And of course my fixation is trying to work out the whole Searing family..while still doing work on my own branch. This month I also joined two new Facebook groups, Technology for Genealogy and The Organized Genealogist (I certainly need that one!). The questions in the Technology one are basic but interesting. I also bought a fascinating Searing item: a large picture embedded in some sort of early plastic…several gentlemen in front of a sign that says ‘Searing Pleasure Club’. No one has been able to ID it so far. A pic and more details are in the group My Name is Searing on Facebook. If you want more details, please leave a comment. We will try to find more information.
OK…OK…I admit it….my poor blog has been sadly neglected. Rather than go into a whole lot of reasons… bloggers know what they are….let’s just jump right in. I’m sorry it’s been so many months since there have been entries. We’ll try to fix that. We still want each and every reader of these posts to come back for more. We hope we can encourage guest comments in greater numbers. A lot has been happening in the Searing world that I will report on in the coming days/weeks/months. For example: the My Name is Searing Group on Facebook has expanded considerably; two more Searing Facebook groups have started; I took an Ancestry DNA test and got some interesting, if not unexpected, results; one of the new Facebook groups resulted in the discovery and meet ups of long lost cousins; I bought another Searing painting on eBay and may be on the trail of finding out more about Searing artists; I also bought a very old ‘spirits/medicine’ bottle that still needs a lot of detective work; at least one new person has checked in by finding this blog and then following it to Facebook; we have expanded our Searing inquiries to Australia and the UK and Europe……just a sample of the exciting things happening in the Searing world… And now it’s my challenge to report on these and make them interesting to our readers. This I will try to do!
In case you have missed it, there is LOTs happening in a Facebook Searing group, the Searing Ancestry Group….newly found whole families that had lost touch, double cousins…really….go check it out! If you have trouble joining or viewing, let me know and we will see you have access…or you can friend Jennifer Karpin the groups guiding light….go Jen!! And, don’t forget to check out the My Name is Searing group as well. We have a lot of dedicated members who post and always have good stuff about Searings to report…but…we can use more! If you have something or someone you want to spotlight, or if you find a Searing mentioned, please feel free to post away!
I am very sorry to post this obit. Of course any Searing loss hurts, but she was much too young.
As noted, her father was Ethan Searing of Queensland, Australia. I have asked some other AUS Searings for any information they may have on the family, as I had not seen that name mentioned previously in AUS. In any case we regret their loss.